안과 교수
학력 및 주요 경력
- 학사 : 1994. 03 ~ 2001. 02, 건국대학교 수의과대학
- 석사 : 2001. 03 ~ 2003. 02, 건국대학교 수의과대학 수의외과학 전공
- 박사 : 2003. 03 ~ 2006. 02, 건국대학교 수의과대학 수의외과학 전공
- 박사후 : 2007 ~ 2008, 영국 캠브리지대학교 수의학부 수의안과학 박사후과정
- 2001 ~ 2005 : 건국대학교 동물병원 인턴 및 레지던트 (수의외과학, 수의안과학전공)
- 2007 ~ 2008 : 한국연구재단 학문후속세대양성 해외박사후연수 장학생
- 2010 ~ 2014 : 건국대학교 동물병원 안과 fellow 수의사
- 2014 : 한국수의안과연구회 수의안과인증의
- 2014 : 아시아수의안과학회 아시아수의안과전문의 (Diplomate of AiCVO)
- 수상경력
- 2010~2015: Marques Who’s who (세계3대인명사전)
- 2011, 2012: ICB (The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers) (세계3대인명사전) 세계 100대 의학인
- 2011: ABI (The American Biographical Institue’s) (세계3대인명사전) 2011 Man of the year
- 학회활동
- 2010~현재: 한국수의안과연구회 이사
- 2010~2013: 한국수의안과연구회 학술위원
- 2011~현재: 아시아수의안과협회 (AiSVO) 회원
- 2013~현재: 한국수의안과연구회 학술위원장
- 2014~현재: 아시아수의안과학회 (AiCVO) 회원 (diplomate 회원)
- 2016: 아시아수의안과학회 안과전문의시험위원 (AiCVO Examiner)
- 주요논문 및 저서
- KH Park, JY Kim, SW Choo, HY Yoon, SW Jeong, Ahmed glaucoma valve implantation with Ologen Collagen Matrix for the surgical treatment of feline glaucoma, Veterinary Ophthalmology, 2016 Aug 19. doi: 10.1111/vop.12422
- JY Kim, KH Kim, DL Williams, WC Lee, SW Jeong, Epidemiological and Clinical Features of Canine Ophthalmic Diseases in Seoul from 2009 to 2013, 2015, Journal of Veterinary Clinics, 2015, 32(3), 235-238
- YW Park,JY Kim, MB Jeong, SH Kim, Jh Yoon, KM Seo, A Retrospective study on the association between vitreous degeneration and cataract in dogs, Veterinary Ophthalmology, 2015, 18(4), 304-308
- JY Kim, DL Williams, KS Rho, KH Kim, YS Lee, SW Jeong, Surgical correction of aberrant conjunctival overgrowth in a rabbit: a case report, Irish Veterinary Journal, 2013, 66(18), 1-4
- KH Kim, JY Kim, YM Choi, JH Lee, CH Park, JH Lee, YS Lee, SW Jeong, Placement of an Intraocular Silicone Prosthesis with Evisceration in a Dog with Refractory Glaucoma, Journal of Veterinary Clinics, 2010, 27(5), 610-613
- JY Kim, YM Choi, SW Jeong, DL Williams, Effect of bovine freeze-dried amniotic membrane (Amnisite BATM) on uncomplicated canine corneal erosion, Veterinary Ophthalmology, 2009, 12(1), 35-42
- JY Kim, HJ Won, SW Jeong, A Retrospective Study of ulcerative keratitis in 32 dogs, THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH IN VETERINARY MEDICINE, 2009, 7(1), 27-31
- JS Lee, KH Kim, HY Jang, B Lee, JY Kim, SW Jeong, The normal electroretinogram in adult healthy Shih Tzu dogs using the HMsERG, Journal of Veterinary Science, 2009, 10(3), 223-238
- DL Williams, JY Kim, Feline entropion: a case series of 50 affected animals (2003–2008), Veterinary Ophthalmology, 2009, 12(4), 221-226
- JY Kim, SW Jeong, HJ Han, DL Willimas, Evaluation of sutureless Cataract Surgery in The Dog, THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH IN VETERINARY MEDICINE, 2008, 6(2), 101-110
- YS Cho, JY Kim, SW Jeong, Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole for the Treatment of Tear Staining Syndrome in Dogs, Journal of Veterinary Clinics, 2008, 25(2), 115-118
- YM Choi, JY Kim, JI Park, SW Jeong, Evaluation of Bovine Amniotic Membrane for the Treatment of Superficial Canine Corneal ulcer, Journal of Veterinary Clinics, 2007, 24(3), 358-366
- MG Kang, YH Choi, JY Kim, SW Jeong, Bovine Amniotic Membrane Transplantation for the Treatment of Descemetrocele in a Dog, Journal of Veterinary Clinics, 2006, 23(3), 334-336
- 국제학술대회 발표
- SY Kim, SW Jeong, JY Kim, Autologous Lamellar Corneal Graft for the Treatment of Corneal Defect in Three Dogs, AiSVO 2016, Bangkok, Thailand
- JY Kim, Gintonin, An Exogenous Ginseng-derived LPA receptor ligand-A new possible ophthalmic drug for corneal wound healing and KCS, AiSVO, 2015 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- JY Kim, SW Jeong, Postretinal blindness due to intracranial diseases in dogs:three cases, AiSVO, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan
- JY Kim, KH Kim, SW Jeong, Evaluation of a slightly modified arrowhead procedure for lateral canthal entropion in the Chow Chow, AiSVO, 2013, Bogor, Indonesia