생화학 교수, 종양생물학 전공
학력 및 주요 경력
- 서울대학교 수의과대학 수의학과 (학사, 석사)
- 서울대학교 의과대학 종양생물학 전공 (박사)
- 동경대학교 의과학연구소 (박사후 연수과정)
- 2005. 08 ~ 2016. 02 국립암센터 연구소 책임연구원
- 2016. 03 ~ 현재, 건국대학교 수의과대학 생화학 교수
- 2021. 05 ~ 현재, 건국대학교 KU동물암센터 센터장
- 주요 논문 및 저서
- Kim JH, Ahn DH, Moon JS, Han HJ, Bae K, Yoon KA. Longitudinal assessment of B-RAF V595E levels in the peripheral cell-free tumor DNA of a 10-year-old spayed female Korean Jindo dog with unresectable metastatic urethral transitional cell carcinoma for monitoring the treatment response to a RAF inhibitor (sorafenib). Vet Q. 2021 Dec;41(1):153-162.
- Bae K, Kim JH, Jung H, Kong SY, Kim YH, Kim S, Lee GK, Lee JS, Lee JJ, Ju YS, Choi YK, Yoon KA. A fusion of CD63-BCAR4 identified in lung adenocarcinoma promotes tumorigenicity and metastasis. Br J Cancer. 2021 Jan;124(1):290-298.
- Yoon D, Bae K, Kim JH, Choi YK, Yoon KA. Oncogenic Effect of the Novel Fusion Gene VAPA-Rab31 in Lung Adenocarcinoma. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 May 10;20(9):2309.
- Yoon KA, Woo SM, Kim YH, Kong SY, Lee MK, Han SS, Kim TH, Lee WJ, Park SJ. Comprehensive Cancer Panel Sequencing Defines Genetic Diversity and Changes in the Mutational Characteristics of Pancreatic Cancer Patients Receiving Neoadjuvant Treatment. Gut Liver. 2019 Nov 15;13(6):683-689.
- Park C*, Yoon KA*, Kim J, Park IH, Park SJ, Kim MK, Jang W, Cho SY, Park B, Kong SY, Lee ES. Integrative molecular profiling identifies a novel cluster of estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer in very young women. Cancer Sci. 2019 May;110(5):1760-1770.
- Yoon KA, Woo SM, Kim YH, Kong SY, Han SS, Park SJ, Lee WJ. Somatic Mutations from Whole Exome Sequencing Analysis of the Patients with Biliary Tract Cancer. Genomics Inform. 2018 Dec;16(4):e35.
- Yoon D, Bae K, Lee MK, Kim JH, Yoon KA. Galanin is an epigenetically silenced tumor suppressor gene in gastric cancer cells. PLoS One. 2018 Feb 20;13(2):e0193275.
- Kim MK, Woo SM, Park B, Yoon KA, Kim YH, Joo J, Lee WJ, Han SS, Park SJ, Kong SY. Prognostic Implications of Multiplex Detection of KRAS Mutations in Cell-Free DNA from Patients with Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. Clin Chem. 2018 Apr;64(4):726-734.
- Yoon KA, Kong SY, Lee EJ, Cho JN, Chang S, Lee ES. A Novel Germline Mutation in BRCA1 Causes Exon 20 Skipping in a Korean Family with a History of Breast Cancer. J Breast Cancer. 2017 Sep;20(3):310-313.
- Yoon KA, Kim MK, Eom HS, Lee H, Park WS, Sohn JY, Kim MJ, Kong SY. Adverse prognostic impact of vascular endothelial growth factor gene polymorphisms in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Leuk Lymphoma. 2017 Nov;58(11):2677-2682.
- Yoon KA, Park B, Lee BI, Yang MJ, Kong SY, Lee ES. Clinically Significant Unclassified Variants in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes among Korean Breast Cancer Patients. Cancer Res Treat. 2017 Jul;49(3):627-634.
- Bae K, Park KE, Han J, Kim J, Kim K, Yoon KA. Mitotic cell death caused by follistatin-like 1 inhibition is associated with up-regulated Bim by inactivated Erk1/2 in human lung cancer cells. Oncotarget. 2016 Apr 5;7(14):18076-84.
- Yoon KA, Woo SM, Hong EK, Jung MK, Park WS, Bae K, Han SS, Kim TH, Koh YH, Park SJ, Lee WJ. Cytidine Deaminase as a Molecular Predictor of Gemcitabine Response in Patients with Biliary Tract Cancer. Oncology. 2015;89(6):345-50.
- Jang HJ, Lee HS, Burt BM, Lee GK, Yoon KA, Park YY, Sohn BH, Kim SB, Kim MS, Lee JM, Joo J, Kim SC, Yun JS, Na KJ, Choi YL, Park JL, Kim SY, Lee YS, Han L, Liang H, Mak D, Burks JK, Zo JI, Sugarbaker DJ, Shim YM, Lee JS. Integrated genomic analysis of recurrence-associated small non-coding RNAs in oesophageal cancer. Gut. 2017 Feb;66(2):215-225.
- Jeon S, Lee H, Bae K, Yoon KA, Lee ES, Cho Y. Efficient Capture and Isolation of Tumor-Related Circulating Cell-Free DNA from Cancer Patients Using Electroactive Conducting Polymer Nanowire Platforms. Theranostics. 2016 Apr 11;6(6):828-36.
- 특허실적
- BCAR4 엑손4 또는 이를 포함하는 융합유전자를 이용하는 종양 진단용 조성물 (등록번호 제10-1996141호/2) 요로 이행상피세포암 환견에서 분리한 BRAF 돌연변이를 포함한 종양세포주와 전이암세포주 및 이를 이용한 이종이식 동물모델 (출원번호 제10-2020-0154077/2)
- 연구실적
- 2015~2017 한국연구재단 중견연구자 지원사업 연구책임자
- 2017~2021 한국연구재단 전략과제 연구책임자
- 2021~2024 한국연구재단 중견연구자 지원사업 연구책임자
- 2018~2021 국립암센터 단백유전체 사업단 위탁과제 책임자
- 학회 활동
- 2009~ 미국암학회 Active member
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- 수상 경력
- 제 10회 대한암학회 로슈 암학술상 공동수상
- 미국암학회 Young Investigator Travel Award